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English abbreviation dictionary - pip


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lab. abbr.
Proximal Inter Phalanx hosp. abbr.
Prescription Information Package hosp. abbr.
Pharmaceutical Interface Product physiol. abbr.
Present Illness Program physiol. abbr.
Personal Insulin Pump physiol. abbr.
Proximal Interphalangeal Joint physiol. abbr.
Poly Implants Protheses polit. abbr.
Political Influence Point U.S. gov. abbr.
Partners In Parks U.S. gov. abbr.
Public Involvement Plan U.S. gov. abbr.
Public Involvement Project U.S. gov. abbr.
Permanent Inspection Point U.S. gov. abbr.
People In Power U.S. gov. abbr.
Peace Is Patriotic transport. abbr.
Project Implementation Plan mil. abbr.
Product Improvement Program (or Plan or Proposal) mil. abbr.
Participant Instrumentation Package airport code Pilot Point, Alaska USA electron. abbr.
Process-induced particles electron. abbr.
Peak Input Power funny abbr.
Politically Incorrect Party funny abbr.
Pointers In Person funny abbr.
Pervy Insane Pornographer funny abbr.
Pawleys Island Promise funny abbr.
Pretty In Pink toastm. abbr.
Past International President adult abbr.
Pretentious Insane Pornographer adult abbr.
Pain In The Posterior u.m. abbr.
Percent Identity Plot farm. abbr.
Pesticide Initiative Programme softw. abbr.
Picture In A Picture softw. abbr.
Partner Interface Process hardw. abbr.
Programmable Input Processor hardw. abbr.
Presence Information Panel hardw. abbr.
Plug In Panel gen. comp. abbr.
Programmable In Put gen. comp. abbr.
Programmable Input Processor network. abbr.
Programmable Interconnection Point network. abbr.
Postels Internet Protocol network. abbr.
Postel's Internet Protocol telec. abbr.
Pre-Impulsing Pulse perf. arts abbr.
Project For Innovative Poetry media abbr.
Polycontrast Interference Photography media abbr.
Poetry In Progress media abbr.
Picture In Picture non-prof. org. abbr.
Plant It Project non-prof. org. abbr.
Partners In Parks educ. abbr.
Parent Involvement Program educ. abbr.
Parents In Partnership sport abbr.
Players In Progress sport abbr.
Pummled Into Pieces sport abbr.
Player Incentive Program law abbr.
Personal Interest Partners law abbr.
Partners In Prevention law abbr.
Personal Injury Protection law abbr.
Partners In Protection law abbr.
Primary Intervention Program gen. bus. abbr.
Process Improvement Project gen. bus. abbr.
Personal Interaction Panel gen. bus. abbr.
Pride In Performance gen. bus. abbr.
Product Improvement Packages gen. bus. abbr.
Performance Improvement Program gen. bus. abbr.
People Improving Processes int. bus. abbr.
Partner Interface Process pos. abbr.
Performance Incentive Points pos. abbr.
Performance Improvement Plan pos. abbr.
Performance Improvement Potential pos. abbr.
Personal Information Processing st. exc. abbr.
Periodic Investment Plan st. exc. abbr.
Price Interest Point st. exc. abbr.
Personal Interest Plan st. exc. abbr.
Personal Investment Plan bus. prod. abbr.
Pool In Pool account. abbr.
Purchasing Invoice Problem account. abbr.
Price Interest Percentage account. abbr.
Penalty Interest Payments account. abbr.
Pool In Pool chat abbr.
Put In Place
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 n BrE 1 a small seed from a fruit such as an apple or orange 2 a high note that is part of a series of short sounds, used for example on the radio to show the time, or in the operation of public telephones; beep2 (1) AmE 3 old-fashioned one of the stars on the shoulders of the coats of army officers that shows their rank 4 give sb the pip old-fashioned to annoy someone ~2 ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (pips, pipping, pipped) 1. Pips are the small hard seeds in a fruit such as an apple, orange, or pear. N-COUNT: usu pl 2. If someone is pipped to something such as a prize or an award, they are defeated by only a small amount. (BRIT INFORMAL) It’s still possible for the losers to be pipped by West Germany for a semi-final place... She pipped actress Meryl Streep to the part. VERB: be V-ed prep, V n prep 3. If someone is pipped at the post or pipped to the post they are just beaten in a competition or in a race to achieve something. (BRIT INFORMAL) I didn’t want us to be pipped to the post. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~pe, from Middle Dutch (akin to Old High German pfiffiz), from Vulgar Latin *~ita, alteration of Latin pituita phlegm, ~; perhaps akin to Greek pitys pine — more at pine  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a disorder of a bird marked by formation of a scale or crust on the tongue  b. the scale or crust of this disorder  2.  a. any of various human ailments; especially a slight nonspecific disorder  b. chiefly British a feeling of irritation or annoyance  II. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: imitative  Date: 1598  intransitive verb  1. peep I,1  2. to break through the shell of the egg the chick ~ped  transitive verb to break open (the shell of an egg) in hatching  III. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1604  1.  a. one of the dots used on dice and dominoes to indicate numerical value  b. spot 2c  2.  a. spot, speck  b. spike I,6a; also blip  3. an individual rootstock of the lily of the valley  4. a diamond-shaped insignia of rank worn by a second lieutenant, lieutenant, or captain in the British army  IV. noun  Etymology: short for ~pin  Date: 1797  1. a small fruit seed; especially one of a several-seeded fleshy fruit  2. one extraordinary of its kind  V. transitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: probably from ~ to blackball, from 3~ or 4~  Date: 1880 British to beat by a narrow margin  VI. noun  Etymology: imitative  Date: 1907 chiefly British a short high-pitched tone ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. the seed of an apple, pear, orange, grape, etc. --v.tr. (pipped, pipping) remove the pips from (fruit etc.). Derivatives pipless adj. Etymology: abbr. of PIPPIN 2. n. Brit. a short high-pitched sound, usu. mechanically produced, esp. as a radio time signal. Etymology: imit. 3. n. 1 any of the spots on a playing-card, dice, or domino. 2 Brit. a star (1-3 according to rank) on the shoulder of an army officer's uniform. 3 a single blossom of a clustered head of flowers. 4 a diamond-shaped segment of the surface of a pineapple. 5 an image of an object on a radar screen. Etymology: 16th c. peep, of unkn. orig. 4. n. 1 a disease of poultry etc. causing thick mucus in the throat and white scale on the tongue. 2 colloq. a fit of disgust or bad temper (esp. give one the pip). Etymology: ME f. MDu. pippe, MLG pip prob. ult. f. corrupt. of L pituita slime 5. v.tr. (pipped, pipping) Brit. colloq. 1 hit with a shot. 2 defeat. 3 blackball. Phrases and idioms pip at the post defeat at the last moment. pip out die. Etymology: PIP(2) or PIP(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) выброс; импульс; пик 2) резкий перегиб (кривой) 3) сил. точечная опора (для обжигаемых изделий) 4) ключ (цоколя лампы) 5) отпай (на баллоне лампы) 6) рлк отметка цели (на экране индикатора) - blurred target pip - marker pip - split pip - target pip PIP I сокр. от peripherial interchange program программа периферийного обмена (для работы с файлами, записанными во внешней памяти) II сокр. от product improvement program программа улучшения качества изделий III сокр. от programmed interconnection pattern рисунок программируемых (меж)соединений IV сокр. от pump-in pressure давление нагнетания ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) выброс 2) импульс 3) отпай ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) выброс 2) импульс 3) очко - marker pip - range-marker pip PIP Picture In Picture картинка в картинке ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  бирж. пипс, "пип"* (обозначение валютным дилером минимального изменения курса; одна десятитысячная валютного курса (напр., разница между 1,7814 и 1,7815 равна одному пипсу)) See: currency dealer PIP сокр. от post-initiated promotion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) семечко; зёрнышко (плодов) 2) шильце (росток злака) 3) корнеклубень 4) пищать; чирикать 5) разбивать скорлупу; вылупляться (из яйца) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. (обыкн. the pip) типун (болезнь птиц) 2. хвороба 3. разг. плохое настроение; хандра to have the pip —- хандрить to give smb. the pip —- расстраивать, раздражать кого-л.; нагонять тоску на кого-л. to get the pip —- раздражаться his stupidity gives me the pip —- его тупость просто убивает меня 4. сл. сифилис 5. очко (в картах, домино) pip cards —- нефигурные карты a pip out —- перебор (в очко); разг. навеселе, под мухой 6. разг. звездочка (на погонах) to be senior by one pip —- иметь на одну звездочку больше, быть чином старше 7. отдельный сегмент (на кожуре ананаса) 8. бот. корнеклубень 9. сердцевина, пестик искусственного цветка 10. тех. точка; эхо, отраженный импульс (на экране) 11. бот. семечко; зернышко; косточка (плодов) pip fruits —- бот. семечковые плоды 12. ам. разг. что-л. замечательное; "первый сорт" it's a pip —- замечательная штука she is a pip! —- она такая красотка!, она девица что надо! 13. отличный; замечательный; привлекательный 14. высокий короткий (звуковой) сигнал, "бип" 15. пищать, чирикать 16. разбить свою скорлупу, вылупиться (из яйца) the chick pipped —- цыпленок вылупился из яйца 17. рад. профес. название буквы P у связистов pip emma —- пополудни 18. подстрелить, ранить; подбить 19. застрелить 20. разбить, победить to be pipped on (at) the...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun; dim. of Philip Пип PIP I noun типун (птичья болезнь) - have the pip II noun косточка, зернышко (плода) III noun  1) очко (в картах, домино)  2) звездочка (на погонах) IV v.; coll.  1) подстрелить, ранить  2) победить; разрушить (чьи-л.) планы  3) забаллотировать  4) провалить (на экзамене) V  1. noun высокий короткий звук радиосигнала  2. v. пищать, чирикать PIP (личн. имена) - уменьш. от Philip, Пип ...
Англо-русский словарь


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